Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Computers in Libraries, Day Three

Keynote: Lee Rainie, Pew Internet Project
Not a Think Tank, a Fact Tank

Attention Zones:
Most of us now have continuous partial attention, in the shallow end of most information
But there are some really deep divers, especially those recently diagnosed or their loved ones, and they want to be an instant expert on the condition.

Vs info snacking

Media Zones:
·         social streams
·         Immersive space ... as in gaming
·         Creative/participatory
·         study/work

Can be nodes in social networks
People turn to their networks for three things
1  reporters/sentries, word of mouth matters more than mass media
2 As information evaluators, they vouch for or discredit a business's credibility and authenticity...can be scale tippers
3 as forums for action, everybody' a broadcaster or publisher

Cosmic big value-add by libraries
1 teachers of new literacies
2 navigation literacy
3 connections and content literacy
Instruct in ethical behavior in a new world

Thinking Critically and Strategically: Seeing Possibilities / Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones
Critical Optimism (thinking critically is NOT criticism)
Peripheral vision
Don’t focus on the twenty percent that are whining
Leadership is about pissing somebody off. (Colin Powell)

Effective Workflows for Multi Generational and Tech Change: Colleen Harris, Univ of TN at Chattanooga
4 major factors of workflow change
·         Technology
·         Skill sets
·         Infrastructure
·         Planning

Examples: ereserves, illiad workflows, oclc web svcs

Morale issues may actually be skills issues
Peer to peer training v effective
Ability and interest are two very different factors

Stagnant ILL
The z39.50 and amazon connections are great
Custom holdings info essential, top five lender string
Porting old practices into new systems

Oclc webscale management systems
Dump old ils?!?
Worldcat local much different than old catalog

QR Codes – the ZSR folks phoned it in

Mobile Usability with Jeff Wiesniewski
Mobile website emulator, firefox has a user agent switcher

Transliteracies: Libraries as the Critical "Classroom" /Gretchen Casserotti and Brian Hulsey

To be an active participant in today's society, you have to be literate across all media.
Concept of story has evolved in sooo many formats
Now that we experience the world through so many forms and formats, kids aren’t beholden to the container...they care about the content, so flexibility is key
Types of literacy: print, information, spacial, digital, scientific, visual, cultural, media
We cannot rely on standard forms of instruction for today’s generations
Don’t contribute to the growing disconnect between learning and life
Not just a digital divide, but a multilevel caste system (argh)

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