Hosted by Z Smith Reynolds Library, March 10 & 11, 2011
Now international! w attendees from China, S Africa, and Nigeria
Keynote: Mary Ellen Bates
Entrepreneurial skills make you a better employee, enhancing your skill sets even if you don’t become an entrepreneur
Concurrent session 1
The Library as Partner: Sustaining Relevance in a Collaborative, Student-Focused Technology Center. Heather Lambert and Christy Groves, Middle Tennessee State University
Created a new Digital Media Studio, Information Commons and study rooms
Writing Ctr included
Faculty info tech center not as successful
Repurposed and trained existing personnel, the emerging tech libn is the only new person
Digital media studio mission statement provides accountability
Color printer is Academic use only
Tech coach appointments
Half open source, try out new and let students vote on it
Subscription to for tutorials
Software of the month, will try anything
Stall wall news in the loo
Desktop Wallpaper their marketing space
60-second survey
“Find it all here”
Amazing race with hidden QR codes
Fun for all, even the security guard
Faculty are ‘special’... Sent paper mail, they don’t read email
Must speak about copyright every time they give a tour
Provide copyright-friendly resources, talk about licensing their product with creative commons
Feedback, qualitative and qualitative.
Seven types of feedback... Satisfaction, wish list, staff satisfaction
**They keep a NO log, anytime you have to tell someone no, jot it down with why
BRIEF focus group with student assistants, bribe w/ coffee coupons
Shift team where they balance each other out
Users don't like the open source as much as they thought they would
Need a night manager
Concurrent Session 2:
User-Driven Service Development: The GroupFinder Project
Joseph Ryan, Digital Projects Librarian, NCSU & Josh Boyer, Associate Head, Distance Learning & Research and Information Services, NCSU
This session described the development of GroupFinder, a first-of-its-kind system designed to help students coordinate group study at the library. Beginning its life as a Facebook application and ending up as a system available on library kiosks, touchscreens, the Web, and mobile devices, GroupFinder has changed substantially during development because of the project’s focus on end user needs. Flexibility and the willingness to abandon preconceived notions about student group study have been key to the success of GroupFinder, and the team described how user research can be used to create new services to benefit library patrons.
Driven by bad cell reception in the DH Hill Library
42in display w QR codes - Cannot miss them
Nine group study rooms.
Online reserves 2hrs
Checkbox - post to group finder?
Amenities in the rooms listed
Started on facebook, real app. See Everyone or just your friends
Allow others to join me checkbox
2008 Feedback from students: Facebook is not really where they want to interact with an institution
2009 activity board - Cork board model doesn't mean anything to them ->Whiteboard model
LOTS of rounds of talking to students, bribe with free coffee
Stats are great
Kiosks helpful but not highly used
QR codes not really used like they expected
Not just room booking, but other places in the library
Locations that are heavily trafficked and visible
Open source on google code!!!
Evolution of the Charleston Conference, now in 30th year
Partly for tenure
W Beth Bernhardt, co director of confirm committee CC and Against the Grain are LLCs w part-timers and volunteers Relatively huge now, 157 presentations in 2010...rely heavily on to transfer files and collaborate
Creating an Open Access Journal
Rerun of the LAUNCH confirm presentation Journal of Learning Spaces OJS open source software NOt intending to make a profit
DOAJ startup guide
Twice a year..not published yet.
Free Pkp open journals systems .. Incredibly easy to use
Not even published yet, but they're already looking at a journal of learning spaces conference next year!!
The canadians are really good at this
Just 2 employees Pam (who works fulltime at UNC) and Eric
Can staff chat svc from your phone!
Chat or SMS on the patron end
Started in 2003 as a night chat collaboration btwn duke, ncsu, and unc Not scalable
2006 meebo, intended for individual and didn't work for multiple libns
2007 Eric hacked pidgin4lib
Peer to peer
Needed web based architecture to grow
Now based at Amazon s3, cloudfront
NCknows paid for a lot of development – will likely migrate to this platform when contract is up
2008 cost depended on institution size
Generating profit by 2009
Rearchitecting constantly
300+ libraries, min 250/ yr (we are included on ZSR license, but will take our money if we insist)
Major upgrade this summer
Over a million chat sessions
Localization in other languages
25% conversion rate (testers who pay)
Academic libs 10-20k fte is 300$
Default trial is 90 days
Payment on honor system, does not stop working
Refchatter is same svc w training and support by third party
Paid users get pager and phone access 24/7 .
Lunch - Tim Spaulding from LibraryThing – an incredible story!
Slides are forthcoming
Sat with Nancy Stine, AHEC
Lightning rounds
Lynda personal embedded librarian
Living learning communities, dorms w classroom spaces
Library first responder student advocate
Tim Rogers, NCLIVE
Ebooks collaborative, matching etc,
Ingrid Ruffin
So what if i don't want to work in a library? Other avenues to pursue
Gals from Eli Lilly, outcomes based job objectives Entre and intrapreneur knowledge based services
The entrepreneur next door, quiz
Closing remarks
Plenary session, carol strohecker, center for design innovation Downtown Winston-Salem!!
Collaboration, interdisciplinary
Free software foundation
Physics of acrobatic circus performers
innovative tools and environments for learning